2019 Update: This group was initially formed to build bridges, explore workable shelter alternatives and to make progress in Boise in the early stages of events related to the 'Cooper Court' tent camp. One of our representatives first approached both Elaine Clegg and then—at her recommendation—the Mayor's office to better understand the city's values and goals, to find areas of common interest and to clarify his personal conditions for voluntary involvement in the effort as a private citizen:
- That the group not use the effort to pursue long-standing Homeless Coalition grudges against the city, but instead attempt to work in a complimentary process to provide ultra-affordable shelter and housing.
- That the group agree not to use the threat of lawsuits to force its interests.
Note. The following may seem harsh, but it's all thoroughly documented and part of the historical record; it's important that others interested in this type of effort learn from our experience.
At the same time, local disgraced (and now former) Realtor Sean Conner—representing himself as an ally and fiscal representative—defrauded the group, pocketing approximately $100,000 pledged by a donor toward purchase of a building site. While this derailed the original group efforts, the parcel was subsequently donated to LEAP Charities and is now the setting for several beautiful homes and families at Windy Court.
We all think that's a great outcome and consistent with our original goals. At the same time, we are shocked and ashamed that the city would still be pursuing Mayor Bieter's unconstitutional anti-camping ordinance rather than welcoming good-faith, informed citizen engagement or investing in innovative and successful models to provide safe, secure shelter options for those able to live independently but who are priced out of Boise's housing market.
We hope Mayor-elect McLean can divert Boise's energy into more positive alternatives. The anti-camping ordinance was among the top concerns for voters in the 2019 general election and subsequent runoff. A large majority rejected the claim that the ordinance made Boise any safer or more livable, and in fact was entirely inconsistent with the #BoiseKind campaign slogan. Bieter and the developers he enabled took to fear-mongering and mocking unhoused Boiseans in the final stretch of the campaign. Thanks to unchecked growth and development that enriched a few at the top, it is now far easier to become homeless in Boise than when Bieter was elected.
We hope Mayor-elect McLean can divert Boise's energy into more positive alternatives. The anti-camping ordinance was among the top concerns for voters in the 2019 general election and subsequent runoff. A large majority rejected the claim that the ordinance made Boise any safer or more livable, and in fact was entirely inconsistent with the #BoiseKind campaign slogan. Bieter and the developers he enabled took to fear-mongering and mocking unhoused Boiseans in the final stretch of the campaign. Thanks to unchecked growth and development that enriched a few at the top, it is now far easier to become homeless in Boise than when Bieter was elected.
In 2018, 2,246 people in Boise became homeless for the first time in their lives—many of them seniors priced out of their homes by developers and speculators.
See our original organizational mission and description below, then ask yourself why the Bieter administration worked so hard to suppress and punish those involved. Not so #BoiseKind
Who we are
- Private citizens interested in creating solutions that support the health, safety, rights and dignity of our housed and unhoused neighbors. We are all volunteers, some with full-time jobs, some retirees and some without housing.
- In the short term, we support the use of a designated 'rest stop' or secure and sanctioned location for short-term use by homeless individuals. This should be managed by an existing nonprofit homeless service provider under an operational agreement and liability release with the property owner. The site would be managed primarily by residents with support from the nonprofit and community volunteers. See www.communitysupportedshelters.org for an example of this solution.
- Support open discussion of various public and private strategies to address conditions of homelessness and poverty. Encourage respectful conversations about these strategies among housed and unhoused citizens.
- We acknowledge others may have different approaches to these challenges; while many are understandably frustrated and angry at the lack of adequate housing options, we intend to build, not argue.
- Promote dialogue about the changing nature of housing and shelter needs in light of shrinking public resources and the shortage of housing stock that meets diverse needs and income levels.
- Cultivate trust among local elected officials to help them view private citizens as allies in their efforts to use tax dollars efficiently while providing essential services and reducing conflict.
- Research and develop locally appropriate design standards for ultra low-cost, secure, insulated personal shelters that provide personal safety and privacy, protection from the elements and predators, and essential amenities and aesthetics necessary for human dignity.
- Where possible, seek common ground with public, private and nonprofit stakeholders, and work collaboratively and respectfully toward solutions that provide for common health and safety without excessive regulatory burden.
- If supported by local partners and available resources, pursue a village or similar model to address the needs of:
- economically displaced individuals for whom local housing is out of reach;
- those waiting for a Section 8 or other tenant voucher, subsidized rental unit, or permanent supportive housing;
- childless couples unable to remain together in congregate shelters;
- persons with disabling conditions that require a reasonable accommodation.
Current limitations
- We know that Opportunity Village and other similar models have required approximately one year from initial community acceptance to occupancy; that seems to be a realistic time frame;
- We currently lack a protected space to build experimental structures and test designs. We need shop/build space with adequate power and storage space for materials, equipment and components;
- Boise code limits options for creating simple structures for human occupancy without administrative approval and layers of permitting (we welcome a chance to explore opportunities for short-term use as an alternative to sleeping in tents or vehicles);
- While we would like to see more people housed this winter, it is beyond our capacity to undertake large-scale construction (although existing groups with solid construction and framing skills could change that equation).
Media coverage
Expert on urban homelessness discusses possible solutions for Boise
Applying the lessons of Eugene to housing Boise's homeless
Expert on urban homelessness discusses possible solutions for Boise
Applying the lessons of Eugene to housing Boise's homeless
Tiny Homes could give homeless a big future
Who has the solution to Boise's homeless problem?
Jerry Brady: A village for the homeless in Boise? Eugene did ithttp://www.idahostatesman.com/news/business/business-insider/article45224091.html
City Erects Fencing at Cooper Court Amid Conflicting Justification
Group: Look to Eugene for Boise Homeless Fix
An Alternative to Boise's Tent City Plan B or C
Clarification: although George Prentice mentions the BASC volunteer's employer (IHFA) against his specific conditions for granting an interview, the organization is neither a sponsor nor connected to BASC or the upcoming Andrew Heben presentation.
Boise Alternative Shelter Co-op group kicks off campaign to help homeless http://www.kivitv.com/news/boise-alternative-shelter-co-op-group-kicks-off-campaign-to-help-homeless
Coronor identifies man killed on State Street
(The week prior to the accidental death of Burt Mack, BASC members were contacted by the Vertical Church in Boise requesting a shelter for Burt. We mourn Burt's passing and offer gratitude for those who reached out to provide hospitality, friendship and comfort.)
New group hoping to help homeless
(The week prior to the accidental death of Burt Mack, BASC members were contacted by the Vertical Church in Boise requesting a shelter for Burt. We mourn Burt's passing and offer gratitude for those who reached out to provide hospitality, friendship and comfort.)
New group hoping to help homeless
U of I Students Work on Designs for Housing Homeless
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